Use Scorecards to Increase Employee Accountability in Automotive Dealerships | DrivingSales

Do Scorecards REALLY increase employee Accountability in Automotive Dealerships?

Haw can Scorecards Improve Employee Accountability in Automotive Dealerships

Accountability is extremely important in dealerships today. Employees need to know what success looks like and how they can improve their performance. Individual scorecards are a powerful tool to increase employee accountability and ensure everyone knows exactly what is expected of them.

The Accountability Challenge

According to a study by Gallup, 50% of employees nationwide have no idea what is expected of them in their job. While they understand the results management is looking for, they don't know the specific actions needed to achieve those results. This lack of clarity can lead to decreased productivity and engagement.

Two focused male colleagues reviewing employee scorecards at a sunlit office, with paperwork and digital devices on the table. The setting suggests a transparent work environment where performance metrics are openly discussed, aligning individual goals with the dealership’s targets to enhance teamwork and accountability.

The Role of Scorecards

Scorecards are the answer. By creating a scorecard, you can show an employee the path to success. They provide a clear, measurable framework for both results and effort quotas, helping to improve employee accountability.

What Should You Track?

Not all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are created equal. It’s crucial to track the right ones that lead to success. A well-rounded scorecard should include both results and effort quotas.

Results quotas are straightforward and include metrics like hours per RO and total sales. These have been standard in the industry for years. Effort quotas, however, are more nuanced but equally important. They focus on the activities that lead to results, such as CRM completion percentage or Internet response time.

A scorecard from displaying performance metrics in a table format for employee assessments. The quotas cover categories like Attendance, Training Completion, Training Completion Percentage, Number of Outbound Calls Per Day, Number of Appointments Showed, and CRM Activity Percentage, all scored on a scale from 0.0 to 5.0 with corresponding star ratings from 0 to 5 stars. The metrics are measured in percentages and numbers, indicating a focus on thorough human capital management and training effectiveness.

Ready to survey your team? Start here.

Getting informed is the best first step in identifying how to improve employee feedback. Still stumped? Feel free to contact us if you have questions about our Understanding Perspectives Employee Survey.

Recognizing Effort and Results to Increase Employee Accountability

Recognizing the effort employees put into their job is crucial. If an employee is missing their results quotas but nailing their effort quotas, it’s an opportunity to discuss their process and assign appropriate training. Conversely, if they are missing their effort quotas, they need different coaching. This is where managers play a key role in identifying why employees are not achieving their objectives and helping them understand how they can grow.

Effective Coaching Conversations

Effective coaching conversations are vital if you want to improve employee accountability. By including effort quotas on your employee scorecard, you increase employee engagement and provide a framework for meaningful discussions. These conversations can help employees understand their performance and what they need to do to improve.

Owning Performance to Improve Employee Accountability

Encourage employees to take ownership of their careers. By being transparent and showing them the data, you empower them to manage their own performance. This paradigm shift from focusing solely on end results to emphasizing growth and development can transform your dealership’s culture.


Implementing individual scorecards is a proven way to increase employee accountability and improve performance in automotive dealerships. By focusing on both results and effort quotas, you provide a clear path to success for your employees.

If you need help creating scorecards, streamlining employee onboarding, improving employee accountability, or increasing employee retention, reach out to the DrivingSales team. We are here to help you achieve your goals and drive success in your dealership.

How DrivingSales Can Help Improve Employee Accountability in Automotive Dealerships

At DrivingSales, we understand the challenges of improving employee accountability. We offer the processes needed to increase engagement and provide guidance on managing employee performance effectively. While this blog isn't a sales pitch, it's important to know that support is available. Reach out to see how we can help your dealership thrive by prioritizing employee accountability.

By focusing on improving employee accountability in your automotive dealership, you're not just enhancing their work performance—you're driving customer trust and loyalty, ultimately boosting your dealership's success.

Empowering Your Team with Targeted Training to Improve Employee Accountability

We offer a range of courses meticulously designed to boost the skills and professionalism of your team, ensuring they are fully equipped to take ownership of their roles and responsibilities. By participating in our targeted training programs, your employees will not only excel in their current positions but also drive the overall performance and accountability of your dealership forward.

Leveraging Employee Feedback to Increase Employee Accountability

Join our vibrant community at DrivingSales to tap into these opportunities for continuous growth and development. We are committed to helping you harness the importance of employee feedback to create a high-performing sales team that benefits both your dealership and your customers. Stay tuned for more insights on how to leverage employee engagement as a key driver of success in your automotive business.

Join the DrivingSales Community for Continuous Growth

In conclusion, ensure your team is equipped to make a positive, lasting impression on every customer interaction. Tap into the resources at DrivingSales for continuous professional development and practical insights that keep your dealership at the forefront of the automotive industry.

Still looking for more? Check out my recent article on employee engagement


Employee Engagement, HCM, Managers, Scorecards

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